A&T Solutions

Custom designed and built for you

video conferencing products


TeleMedicine Centers


Sessions live streamed


Students e learned
We believe in the difference

Between solving problems and problem solving


Our solutions are designed for you – we do not believe in cookie-cutter designs for all users.


We understand that your investment in collaboration needs to deliver the best of experiences for some time – we design accordingly.


With our wide expertise, we bring you the best practices from your domain so you don’t have to re-invent.

Value Added

We believe in creating value for your organization – and our solutions are tailored with that in mind.

Improve Collaboration | Reduce Cost | Go easy on the planet

Our Expert Says

With more than two decades of experience, our solutions are designed to meet your specific needs with technology that's designed for the future.

SathyakumarSolutions Head, A&T
Video Conferencing in Education
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In recent times, learning has changed tremendously. The four walls of a classroom are no longer sufficient to deliver education. Forward thinking institutions have broken the shackles of the blackboard and the classroom walls, to break forth and deliver customized and differentiated learning programs through best video conferencing solutions offered by video conference solution provider.

Explore Education Solutions
Video Conferencing Solution for Enterprises
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Hybrid work environments are here to stay. The old way of collaboration has given way to the new. Watercooler talk has been replaced by a video call. Casual office banter is now done on Zoom or Microsoft Teams the best video conference solution provider. Adapting to this change has not been easy on anyone.

Explore Enterprise Solutions
Video Conferencing in Telemedicine
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Today’s hospitals are no longer satisfied by just providing healthcare. The overall experience of a patient with best video conferencing solutions is as important as high quality healthcare. Hospitals that care, look into every aspect of that experience, whether it is in the consultation room, the ICU or the Operation Theatre.

Explore Healthcare Solutions
Live Streaming Solution

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Our best video conferencing solutions use cost-effective, reliable, made-in-India products for the Government departments to leverage Digital India momentum.

Explore Government Solutions

Case study

Surgeries are recorded per day.

Medical students and trainees learning.

Hours of surgery recordings per month.

Surgery recording that changed the way medical students learn

Schroff Charity Eye Hospital improved Continuing Medical Education systems for their medicos, trainees, and specialists by recording, streaming, and storing all surgeries from their 6 OTs.


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