What do you see when you visualize a conference room? Typically, a large polished oval table, surrounded by ergonomic chairs, adorned with microphones, notepads, and pens. And as for equipment,...
While winter may bring a welcome respite from the scorching heat in many parts of the largely tropical India, it can be quite harsh in its mountainous regions like Ladakh...
How industries from different sectors are using video conferencing solutions today? What types of solutions do they have? How does video conferencing technology help them collaborate? Is collaboration the only...
Say ‘Bonjour’ to Nudgis, Ubicast, France’s Smart Video Platform with A&T’s One-Touch Recorder Solution Educational institutions always know that recording the best lectures of their faculties makes sense, as lectures...
A&T Video Networks, a pioneer in the video conferencing sector, rides high on Make in India initiative with its modern ProAV factory in a tier III town in Tamil Nadu ...
The location: The world’s second coldest inhabited place. Altitude: 3300 m Temperature: -30 C. These are the conditions faced by the Govt. High School in Drass. Catering to more than...
A School That Stands Out Like A Giant The Govt. school in Drass operates in the harshest of climates in the country. Located in the second coldest inhabited place in...
What is micro content Since time immemorial, entrepreneurs have used the famed “elevator pitch” to seek funding from busy investors. That is the original micro-content – presenting your entire company,...
A new passion “Technology” Is digital transformation video collaboration apt for all kind of business? The “new normal” has taught us a lot in terms of dealing with digital technology. ...
Video conferencing is not a new technology. It has been around for over a decade, and there are multiple solutions available with different features and functionality to meet the service...